
The OAAS has several programs and opportunities for youth involved in their local agricultural societies. You can access the pages through the links below or through the menu.

For Youth of the Month information Click Here

OAAS 175th Central Canada Exhibition Association Scholarship Application

  • Up to 6 (SIX) $2,000) scholarships are available annually to youth that are actively involved in their local agricultural society.
  • Application deadline is July 31st

Youth Involvement within Agricultural Societies Program

  • The OAAS is highly supportive of having youth involved in local agricultural societies.
  • A Handbook/manual and supporting resources have been developed to assist agricultural society leaders in organizing and leading programs involving youth leaders.
  • The goal of these resources is that they constitute a starting point for agricultural societies to develop their own leadership programs.
  • Contact the OAAS, if your agricultural society is interested this Program.

Outstanding Youth Recognition Award

  • The OAAS has created a new award to allow an Agricultural Society to recognize youth volunteers who contribute time and energy or resources to their society.   It is meant to honour an individual under 21 years of age of the current year who contributes time and energy to an Agricultural Society.
  • Go to the ‘Awards’ section to find more information and an application form

OAAS Convention Ambassadors Program

  • This program is offered annually at the OAAS Conventions and is open to Ambassadors aged 16 and older

CNE Ambassador Program

  • This program is offered annually at the CNE and is open to Ambassadors at least 18 years of age by August 16th, 2024