Outstanding Youth Recognition Award

The OAAS recognizes youth volunteers who contribute time and energy or resources to an Agricultural Society.   It is meant to honour an individual under 21 years of age of the current year who contributes time and energy to an Agricultural Society and whose work meets all ofthe following requirements:

Who is Eligible?

  1. A well-deserving individual who has made a significant contribution as a volunteer, leader or committee member to the Agricultural Society.
  2. Meant to honour an individual, and to encourage them to continue their work with an agricultural society.
  3. The youth must have a minimum of 3 years involvement with the agricultural society, and not have received the award previously.

Recipients will receive an OAAS lapel pin and a personalized OAAS ‘Outstanding Youth Recognition Award’ certificate.

Certificates will be forwarded to your Society for presentation.

Each OAAS Member Society may present up to three (3) Outstanding Youth Recognition Awards per year.

Signed by: OAAS President and Society President

Cost:  No charge for the production of the Youth certificates, as a courtesy of OAAS.

Awards must be ordered at least four (4) weeks prior to presentation; five (5) weeks if paying by cheque to allow the OAAS sufficient time to process the orders to enable the award(s) to be received by the presentation date.


  1. Regular post included with certificate cost.
    NOTE: OAAS cannot guarantee delivery and will not replace lost or delayed certificates sent by Regular Post.
  2. Xpresspost – $16.95 + HST.

Application for: Outstanding Youth Recognition Award

Complete the application form below.

You will be prompted to enter your credit card information.

NOTE: There is NO charge or fee for the Outstanding Youth Recognition Award, Please complete the online form but do not complete the payment portion. You can pay for Xpresspost if require.

Use this form to pay by credit card or PayPal

    NOTE: You must select the SUBMIT button for each form to be submitted. Once you hit the SUBMIT button, you will receive a Thank You page saying your request has been received. Bottom of Form

    Certificate must be ordered at least four (4) weeks prior to presentation; five (5) weeks if paying by cheque.

    If you have not received the award 2 weeks prior to presentation date, please email sales@oaasfairs.com or phone OAAS at (613) 395-2465.